Gyeonggang Line
Korail Class 371000
Before reading this section, it is recommended to read the "Brief Intro to Numbering" section on the Trains page.
The Korail Class 371000 trains were built in 2016 by Hyundai Rotem. 12 trains were built, numbered 371x01~371x12. All trains were four cars long.
These trains were built with, and thus, identical to the Class 381000 trains built for the Donghae Line. They follow the "삼눈이" (three eyes) design.
The propulsion system remained the same with all new trains built at that time, a Toshiba VVVF-IGBT unit.
All trains are stored at the Bubal Depot.

Train 371x12.
By 충북선 무궁화호 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The car numbering is as follows:
3710XX-Tc (Leading car with cab, SIV, air compressor, secondary power device, battery)
3711XX-M' (Pantograph, main transformer, controller, inverter)

The interior of train 371x04.
By 충북선 무궁화호 - 자작, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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