Gyeongchun Line
Korail Class 361000
Before reading this section, it is recommended to read the "Brief Intro to Numbering" section on the Trains page.
The Korail Class 361000 trains were built in 2010 by Hyundai Rotem. 15 trains were built, numbered 361x01~361x15. All trains were eight cars long.
These trains follow the "뱀눈이" (snake eyes) design. The car body is made of smooth aluminum, similar to the first batch Class 331000 trains. In the interior, there are overhead LCD displays. A bicycle stand was installed on all driving cars.
The propulsion system is the same Toshiba VVVF-IGBT unit found on all 뱀눈이 trains.
These trains have a unique white and blue livery for Gyeongchun Line service.

Train 361x10.
By Minseong Kim - 자작, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The car numbering is as follows:
3610XX-Tc (Leading car with cab, SIV, air compressor, secondary power device, battery)
3611XX-M (Inverter, controller and converter)
3612XX-M' (Pantograph, main transformer, controller, inverter)
3613XX-T (Unpowered car)
Trains 361x14 and 361x15 were repainted and ran on the Jungang Line starting in May 2012, when the Class 321000 trains running there were shortened from eight to six cars. They returned to the Gyeongchun Line in late 2013, when all Class 321000 trains were extended back to eight cars. In October 2014, these trains were repainted and given two newly built cars to become Class 311000 trains 311x90 and 311x91. In April 2017, train 361x15 was returned to the Gyeongchun Line as train 361x14, but is expected to be converted back to 311x91.
All trains are stored at the Pyeongnae Depot.

Train 361x15 in Gyeongchun Line service after returning from Line 1. It has since been repainted to the white and blue livery.
By Jhcbs1019 - 자작, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The interior of train 361x13.
By Minseong Kim - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Korail Class 368000
The Korail Class 368000 trains were built in 2011 by Hyundai Rotem for the ITX-Cheongchun service. Eight trains were built, numbered 368x01~368x08. All trains were eight cars long.
These trains have a coach-style layout, typical of the longer-distance commuter trains in Korea. There are only two sets doors per car, but they line up with the screen doors installed at every station.
Cars 4 and 5 are double-decker cars, the only ones of its kind in Korea.
In the interior, seats are organized in front-facing rows. There are two overhead LCD displays per car, and two LED displays at the front and back. Nursing rooms, luggage storage and vending machines can be found between cars. Toilets are installed in cars 3 and 6. Car 3 is a disabled passenger car. There are bike racks in car 8.
These trains use the same Toshiba VVVF-IGBT propulsion system found on many new Korail trains. Average operating speed is 180 km/h (112 mph) with a maximum speed of 200 km/h (124 mph).
All trains are stored at Pyeongnae.

Train 368x01 undergoing commissioning at Seoul Station.
By Subway06 - 자작, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The car numbering is as follows:
3680XX-Tc (Leading car with cab, SIV, air compressor, secondary power device, battery)
3681XX-M (Inverter, controller and converter)
3682XX-M' (Pantograph, main transformer, controller, inverter)
3683XX-T (Unpowered double-decker car)

A double-decker car on train 368x04.
By Korail2012 - 자작, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The interior of a standard carriage.
By 충북선 무궁화호 - 충북선 무궁화호, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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