Line 7
Seoul Metro 7000-series
Before reading this section, it is recommended to read the "Brief Intro to Numbering" section on the Trains page.
First Generation
The first generation of Seoul Metro 7000-series trains were built from 1995 to 1996 by Daewoo Heavy Industries. 17 trains were built, numbered 7-01~7-17. All trains were eight cars long, and follow the same car numbering system as Lines 5 and 6:
70XX-Tc (Leading car with cab, SIV, battery)
77XX-M (Air compressor, main converter, inverter, controller)
76XX-M' (Pantograph, main controller, inverter, peripheral pressure and exchange device)
75XX-T (Unpowered car)
The exterior and interior design was the same as the first generation 5000-series trains.
The propulsion system is the same GEC-Alstom VVVF-GTO unit found on the second batch 4000-series trains.

A first generation train, number unknown. This was what all first generation trains appeared like as-built. You can see a second generation train with the current livery in the mirror reflection.
In 2000, the trains were repainted to the current SMRT livery. However, only the front ends were repainted. The sides of the car do not feature the smaller white stripe.

All trains were refurbished with fire-resistant interiors from 2004 to 2005. In 2010, it received LCD monitors to replace its interior LED units, along with bottom seat cushions.
With all stations on Line 7 featuring screen doors, the side destination signs on all trains have been covered up.
All trains remain in service today. They are stored at the Dobong Depot.
Second Generation
The second generation was built from 1999 to 2000 by Hanjin Heavy Industries and KOROS. 45 trains were built, numbered 7-18~7-62.
These trains feature some minor exterior changes from the first generation. The front window frame is now painted black as opposed to it being steel-colored. The destination signs are larger. They no longer feature ribbed sides, and have one-piece side windows. They came with the current SMRT livery, so they have a smaller white stripe along with the olive stripe on the sides of the car. The only exception to this is train 7-26. The interior remains the same as the first generation.
These trains are powered by Toshiba VVVF-IGBT units.

Second generation train 7-36.
By Minseong Kim - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
All trains were refurbished with fire-resistant interiors from 2004 to 2005.
On January 3, 2005, an arsonist set fire to train 7-52. 3 cars were written off. Three cars were taken from 8000-series train 8-22 and the train returned to service.
In 2010, the trains received the LCD screen refit, along with seat cushions.
Also in 2010, a new train, 7-63, was formed using train 8-21 and two cars from train 8-22.
Video of the current interiors here
Trains 7-24, 7-27, 7-32, 7-33, and 7-35 have been equipped with bicycle compartments.
All trains remain in service today. Trains 7-18~7-34 are stored at Dobong, with 7-35~7-63 being stored at Cheonwang.
Third Generation
The third generation was built in 2020 by Dawonsys. Two trains were built, 7-71 and 7-72.
Like other Dawonsys designs, the car body is made of aluminum. It is painted white with olive stripes. The front end design has changed.
Based on that same video, the trains seem to be powered by Dawonsys' VVVF-IGBT unit.
These trains will be introduced when Line 7 is extended to Seongam Station in April 2021.
Fourth Generation
A fourth generation will be built and introduced from 2022 to 2023 by Woojin. 17 trains will be built. Numbering has not been confirmed.
The design will be the same as the third generation 5000-series trains.
The propulsion system will be a Toshiba VVVF-IGBT (PMSM) unit. It will be the same unit currently used on the second generation trains running on Busan Metro Line 1.
Seoul Metro SR-series
The SR-series was built from 2010 to 2012 by Rowin (who has since merged with Dawonsys). Seven trains were built, numbered 7-64~7-70 (SR001~SR007).
The car body is made of aluminum. The overall exterior design is reminiscent of the first generation and second generation trains. A single, small LED display on the front shows the train's destination and run number. There are no side destination signs. The doors are electric-powered.
In the interior, LCD TVs above the doors came as standard. The seats are fully cushioned, and there are no gangway doors.
Two cars in trains 7-64 and 7-65 have a central seating layout. These cars only have six rows of seats, as opposed to seven for the rest of the train.
Train 7-70 (SR007) ran with a Larva livery from January 12, 2015 to July 10, 2016.
The propulsion system is a Dawonsys VVVF-IGBT unit.
These trains are stored at Cheonwang.

Train 7-68 (SR005).
By jmk2765 - file history of SMRT EMU SR002.jpg (original text: self made)2015-03-29 18:26 Jmk2765 900 × 599 (194 KB) New photo, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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