Before reading this section, it is recommended to read the "Brief Intro to Numbering" section on the Trains page.
Bombardier Advanced Rapid Transit Vehicle (Innovia Metro)
The Everline uses single-car Bombardier ART Mark II trains. These are the same trains used in the JFK AirTrain in New York City. 30 cars were built in 2008, numbered Y101~Y130.
There are two sets of doors. In the interior, LED displays on the front and back of the car display station information and announcements.

The propulsion system consists of linear induction motors. It works similarly to systems used by maglev trains, where the train pulls itself by applying a magnetic polarity to the track. While maglev trains use this system to eliminate any contact between train and track, linear motors uses the magnetic forces solely for propulsion. This is supported by the steel wheels touching the steel tracks. The track on a maglev is also actively charged and changes polarity; the rail carries no charge on linear induction motors so it is up to the vehicle to change polarity.
The Everline is the only ART system to use single-car trains. However, two cars can be linked together to form two-car trains in the future.

The interior of a car.
From http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2972459
All trains are stored at the Samga Depot.
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